Monday, August 16, 2010

My Day So Far...

So I wake up, at 6 a.m., randomly. Starving. Decide to take a shower, hey maybe for the first time in two years I'll get to the office before 10! Post shower I lay back down in bed to let my hair air dry a bit before blowing it (my typical routine). I decide that yes, definitely, today will be an anomoly in which I will have a morning like a large percentage of American adults. Plus, I am still starving inexplicably and the way to breakfast is the city. I stand up, walk over to my closet to try and figure out what to wear then--just like that--I decide that I am actually still pretty tired and maybe a little nap would be in order before I get up for realsies.

Next thing I know, it's 10. And my morning has officially become like so many before it. No time for hair, makeup or wardrobe considerations. Must be out the door in 30 minutes or less to get to the office by 11.

10:58 I walk into the lobby. I guess spending Sunday in the LES drinking from 2 - 8 p.m. is what made me very thirsty and ravenous. Though, I don't feel hungover. Walk into the 'bucks. OH NO! late morning line, WTF? this never happens. Three words, European teenage tourists, who I'm pretty sure are all getting a frappucino, when I want nothing more than an iced coffee. The humanity. 'Why, oh why,' I wonder, 'are we not allowed to openly discriminate against tourists between the months of June and August?

I finally get up to the counter. I order my usual, but sadly my barrista transferred to another store because of a management dispute. Those left in his place, may or may not have downs syndrome. Because for the second time, I order the reduced-fat coffee cake and the girl says "which one?" OMFG. The ONE that says "REDUCED FAT" on the label. I literally had to explain to her that there is a "classic" coffee cake and a "reduced fat swirl coffee cake" and the fact that she doesn't know the difference and thinks they're on par with each other is just, absurd.

So here I am, it's almost noon and I've done NOTHING today except write this blog.

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