Wednesday, December 29, 2010

XOXO Gossip Girl

I've written a previous post about gossip, where I essentially advocate it. My justfication is that we all need to vent and what someone doesn't know you're saying about them, doesn't hurt them. The problem of course is that many times gossip gets back to someone you don't want it to. And for some, this is their reason for keeping their mouths shut, which is is fair.

It's the sprit in which we talk about each other that needs to be kept in check, imo, not the act of it in general.

The problem with most gossipers is that they begin to feel they have the right to judge others. You don't. None of us does.

I know the freedoms "given" to us by our government are also expressed as inalienable rights and this includes free speech...however when it comes to their word usage, I disagree semantically.

We each have the inalienable freedom to express our opinions, publicly and privately, but none of us has the right in a purely moral sense.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Beautiful Daughters

I was just wondering why it is that a parent telling someone how many kids she has always, and I mean always, inserts "beautiful" between the number (of kids) and the word daughter(s). People don't say, "I have three strapping, athletic boys!" or "I have three handsome sons." But, people feel the need to express to others they've got beautiful daughters.

I guess this is just some thing where a woman's value is tied up, ultimately, in how good looking she is. Parents are going to be biased about their daughters' looks. Not to mention very few young girls are unattractive. They're all pretty adorable--up to a point. At the receiveing end of this message we swoon at the emphasis of the word "beautiful". OH! They're BEAUTIFUL! You made BEAUTIFUL girls! our smiles and raised eyebrows say. Do we believe them? Are we genuinely impressed? Maybe.

What's funny about our gullibility and the continuation of this kind of mildly sexist rhetoric is that chances are "no, you don't actually have beautiful daughters." The odds are greatly against your favor that your daughters are any better than average looking and most likely a little bit below. But, beauty's on the inside anyway, right?