Tuesday, October 26, 2010

R.E.S.P.E.C.T What the Hell Does That Mean to Me?

I wrote a post a little while ago that got the most comments ever, about five, three of which were from my brother and myself. But, two strangers (exciting!) read the post and were compelled to voice their disapproval while slinging personal judgments, bordering on insults, at me. Ahh...the Internet. We reap what we sow.

The fact is I grew up with four brothers and because of my comfort level hanging with the guys I've had some pretty close friendships with men, the result being the chance to peek into their conversations with other guys. While I suspect a lot of macho BS about not liking their girl nearly as much as they do is expressed, I've found that women project a lot of romantic notions on to their relationships (especially the young ones) that just aren't true. I have a different perspective on relationships than most women (And most women don't like that) If they knew how men really thought, they would too.

One person who commented wanted to focus on cheating and why it's wrong. Apparently, I've never been in an "adult" relationship (no arguments there) and have forgotten about having respect for myself. My response to these comments garnered a "you're being defensive" rebuttal. God forbid I'd like to defend myself against misconceptions.

My only question is what does this term "respect for myself" really mean? Why is the concept that I would want to have sex with someone just to have sex with him and (perish the thought!) not want to see him again after that not an option here?

It would seem that--as a female--a sexual encounter should necessarily lead to a committed relationship and that is always the end game hoped for. To not get it means that I allowed a man to violate me in vain, which also means that I don't have any respect for myself. Right? Is that it? I have to admit, I'm clueless.

I think a lot of men secretly hate women. And I think a lot of women secretly hate sex. To have sex is, in some sense, a violation because they don't allow themselves to like it; Girls who like it are bad, are slutty, are...not kosher. And because sex is a break-in, to do it at all means that part of their sense of integrity is given up when they lay down. The only thing that justifies such an act is to get something in return, i.e., a boyfriend, a husband, without this thing they can covet for their sacrifice they have no self respect and since we all assume everyone is exactly like us, and should be, we accuse them of not having it either. And I think that's dumb. Sorry.

I watched the movie "A Star is Born" recently starring Barbra Streisand. I saw it on Netflix and thought what the hell, "I love Barbra. This was a big hit when it came out; it might be good." In one scene Barbra's rock star husband is in bed with a reporter and Barbra walks in. In the film, it's the one and only time he cheated on her. So, Barb walks in, sees it and stays calm until the girl leaves. She gets pretty pissed after that. But, when her husband asks if it's about the girl she simply says, "Give me more credit than that." And goes on to say that it's about the problems in their marriage. I have to agree. The idea of them breaking up over him being in bed with another women was too stupid to even talk about, because it didn't matter, given that the problem was not habitual.

Times have changed. But, change doesn't alwasy mean progress. Today, women torture themselves about whether or not they should leave their husband/boyfriend after an indescretion. Partly because they're scared to death other women will slander them as "weak", "co-dependent" or some other phrase the feminist movement has painted with a negative conotation when referring to women. It's a personal decision that we don't have the right to judge based on specific and personal circumstances.

Although making love with someone you're with and in love with is wonderful and preferable, engaging in sex, although it doesn't "matter" does not mean you're someone without self respect. It could simply mean you're someone who chooses not to deny their sexuality in the name of man-made morality. I am not advocating cheating. I am acknowledging it happens. I do, however, advocate safe, one-night matterless sex with other singles. With a big ol' brunch the next day loaded with self-respect.

My only regret with this post is that I gave the impression I'm a harlot who sleeps with tons of guys in relationships, when I just meant to say that well, when you're young and not married, relationships aren't the life and death situations we make them out to be. If someone really matters, if you really have a connection, you'll keep in touch. You'll forgive whatever you have to forgive and at the very least you'll be friends. If you can't be lovers, you'll survive, you'll get over it. That's all.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Don't Do That

I'm in a coffee shop in Brooklyn. I almost don't need to explain anything else based on all that is implied from the first sentence. I'm going to explain anyway.
Picture this: A girl. A brunette with a whack bob haircut that is disheveled and badly in need of a trim. She's wearing an oversize Breton striped top and slightly stone washed skinny jeans. I've seen cleaner shoes on homeless people. She is clearly not homeless. Her phone rings. She prattles on and on and on for at least 20 minutes until she says, "I gotta go...I'm in a coffee shop." Then she talks for another 10 minutes. She's not working, she's reading a book. So, far be it from her to consider that other people around her are working. She's definitely from some upper middle class background. That kind of "me as the center of the universe" mentality doesn't grow anywhere else.

The girl behind the counter is wearing a slightly crushed pea green bowler hat; it covers greasy mouse brown hair. She has a tattoo of a viking ship on the underside of her right bicep. She is clearly not a viking.

Back to the girl on the phone. She's talking to a family member, talking aimlessly about possible exit plans for Thanksgiving. She talks about what she did yesterday. It's infinitely boring. She talks shit about a girl she met who "intellectualized" everything! But, thankfully, she didn't seem like a bad person. Whew! I hate when I meet people who over intellectualize and then turn out to be rapists and serial killers. Or people who work in the financial district, which is just as bad.

She talks about buying a "vintage" bag and by her slight look downward to the bag at her side, I can tell that's the one. It literally looks dumb. If bags had an IQ. The word vintage specifically relates to making wine. Sometimes it can refer to something out dated. It entered the lexicon of the fashion world to refer to mint condition high fashion pieces that are decades old. The connection being that high fashion pieces don't loose their charm over time, like a good vintage wine. It is not meant to be a euphemism for used crap sold at a dusty hole in the wall that's little better than a pawn shop. So, if it isn't Chanel or Dior and you're saying it's vintage without the slightest sense of irony--don't do that.

If you're a white person living in Brooklyn and are thinking of getting a tattoo of an old fashioned boat on your arm--don't do that.

If you're in a coffee shop and your phone rings and it's mom who you know is going to want to talk for a minimum of 25 minutes about the mundane details of your life and you're thinking about answering--don't do that.

"How many hipsters does it take to screw in a light bulb?"

"Some barely known obscure number. You've probably never heard of it."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Appetizers is What You Eat to Make You More Hungrier.

I just wrote a great post and then accidentally deleted it. The title of this post is one of my favorite quotes from Eric Cartman of South Park, Colorado. He says the sentence to an Ethiopian child in an effort to explain why we have appetizers.

I was just thinking about how much money there is floating around in the hands of people vs. how many people are poverty stricken. Tons of money, tons of starving people. At a basic level that just doesn't make sense. Is there a lack of donating? Is there a lack of donating to relieve poverty? Millions upon millions of dollars each year are siphoned into charities. And yet, still, so many problems with people being poor.

Think about what Britney Spears and the Sultan of Brunei could do alone? I mean that guy could cause a major inflationary problem all by himself just by buying shit. That is rich. But, it isn't enough to give a man a fish, you have to teach him (or something?). This is why I think the world's billionaires should get together and buy off corrupt politicians in third world country governments, Africa first. They should then either insert themselves or people they hire into office. And THEN donate a drinking well. The infrastructure has to be there.