Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hill Clinton

Question: Do you think that Hillary would have had a better chance to get the nomination if she had divorced Bill over the Monica thing?

I think: Absofuckingloutely

I think it would have garnered more sympathy for her, as someone who was victimized, but then had the strength not to put up with it. And I think because it would have been a strong move on her part she wouldn't have had to work so hard at downplaying her case of ovarian possession (being a chick) to prove she could hack it. She wouldn't have had to give so many mixed messages in the campaign, first acting like a dude and then crying like a little bitch...

What's funny is that she probably stayed with Bill because of her political ambitions...and in the end it could have done her in. Also, Bill, I don't think, would have bounced back in popularity like he did if Hillary had left him. Instead, his wife was willing to sweep it under the rug and thusly so was every one else.

I despise Hillary Clinton, not because she's a woman, or too strong, or too femme; Not because she stayed with her husband after he cheated on her, but simply b/c she's a snake.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tomato, Tomaato One says Yaaay the other says nayyy

Which rabbit hole to descend into?

The two links above go to articles arguing for and against free trade.

My take: Numbers don't lie, but propaganda does and it exists on both sides. One group wants to tell you what WILL happen, while the other tends to extract data from what has already happened.

One argument I cannot get behind is the idea that big business destroys cultural solidarity and unity, to me that sounds like a homogenizing and therefore insulting blanket statement. What culture has ever existed in which every member WANTED to stay within their cultural norms? People create their own culture regardless of their circumtances, it evolves and changes over time, some leave and return, some don't. To rail against the changing of ones circumstances and use the excuse of cultural change (brought on by economic evolution) as a bad thing in order to justify it is nothing if not narrow-minded -- in my opinion.

Monday, August 18, 2008

On eating

I like destroying it with my mouth, saliva, and stomach acid. My appetite, the destroyer! Mwah ha ha ha, mwha ha (evil laughter). One of the reasons why I like to eat crab legs so much is because I get carnal pleasure from having to work to get the meat, I love cracking open the shell; I feel like master of the universe.