Sunday, March 21, 2010

Treatment to "be a better person"

I was on just now and saw the above quote from Tiger Woods. He isn't sure how much golf he'll be playing in the future because he has to "be a better person", which inlcudes more "treatment". I'm not even sure why I thought this worth mentioning. It just seems like one of those historical markers that denotes the changing of the guard in society. Decades ago I don't think there existed the concept of treatment to "be a better person". Treatment for physical injuries, treatment for psychological diseases, yeah that existed. But treatment not to abuse the obscene amount of money and power that has been given to you, seems uh, a little far fetched. Call me old fashioned, if you will. I just feel like it's something someone is either going to do, or not. I don't know that it calls for sympathetic treatment. I would say it's action deserving of punishment.

I mean, some clever computer geeks created complex finanical instruments that fleeced a hell of a lot of people and launched a world wide recession. Should they be in "treatment" to be better people? Does that even sound like it makes sense?
"Gee, Doc, I don't know what came over me when I thought of screwing people so that I could aquire more money than I could ever spend..."
"Don't worry, Son. It's called 'not being a good person.' We'll have you ship-shape in no time."
"Wow! That's great! I didn't even know there was a cure for that."
"Of course there is! Every nefarious action is linked to a disorder that can be treated with drugs or therapy nowadays."
"Bad. Ass."

Where once we looked to God to forgive us our sins, we now look to health care professionals.

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