Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two Bothersome Thingys:

1.) I'm starting to have a real problem with young people who want to change the world and are convinced they can. I know, it sounds despicable. And it probably is. After all there have been many young people in world history who, quite literally, did change the world. Where would society be without those willing to fight for justice? Ruled by autocratic despots? I don't know, and neither do you, frankly. My problem isn't with noble pursuits, it's that those who claim to have them have become such a type; a really boring, predicatble type, the whole lot of them.

They Love rummage sales and flee markets, they like things to look old as if this somehow proves they're one of the people. They buy weed and smoke it with pride as if it's a badge of their good, free spirited intentions. They love to make sacrifices of comfort to prove to themselves and those around them they don't need anything modern, everything they need can be grown on a farm or woven by Quakers. And let's not forget their vegetarian, organic diet. Because nothing says I care about the disadvantaged people more than exercising the luxury of getting to pick what you eat.

And it seems, more often than not, that they're completely out of touch with what it is to actually live off of land, and off of the grid, although their pretentious fantasies would have them believing in some small way, they do. Shopping exclusively at Beacon's Closet and Whole Foods makes a faker, not a world shaker. The thing about it that is the most bothersome is that these people get their entire sense of self from a borrowed, disingenuous persona because they were too unoriginal to pursue their cause as themselves. And that generally gives them an attitude problem that comes out when they don't get their way or have been hitting the moonshine too hard.

2.) People who've quit smoking and now profess to abhor the smell of smoke. People who used to smoke but think of themselves as being better than those who still do. People who once lit up and walk by smokers with their hands flailing as if to shoo away the smoke, but really it's more of a gesture to show their disapproval. Those people are just pissed because they remember the calm, soothing effect of the sweet nicotine coursing through their veins. They have to pretend they think smoking is gross because deep down they know it's delicious and if they admitted that to themselves, they'd start smoking again. Don't hate on people who still smoke just because you made your life suck a little bit more by quitting. Hate on yourself for ever having lit up in the first place.

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