Monday, July 13, 2009

Chatty Kathys and their political incorrectiude

Benjamin: OMG I had to hang out with 2 FTM's and their GF's this weekend.
me: SHUT UP tell me all about the FTMS and their GFS
Benjamin: 12 people and I was the only one with a real penis.
me: Fucking, unbelivable
me: I never notice FTMs here, but I notice MTFs, you can always tell by their hands, if nothing else.
Benjamin: "Johnny" and "Jackson"
Yeah MTF prob stand out more
They were both sort of chubby
me: I want to be an FTM for halloween...and be named "Fido"
Benjamin: Hahah
me: It's weird because it's like men are forced to be metro here, and like when you talk to them you can tell there is a man wanting to come out, but they've been beaten down and they're all just a bunch of pussies. I blame...the women's lib movement of the seventies and sex and the city.
Benjamin: Hahhahahaha (shhhhh) I totally agree
me: Well, look I'm glad I can vote, and I've seen every episode of SATC thirty times, and loved it. But that doesn't mean there aren't backlashes.
I feel like men don't know how to behave these days.
they're all mixed up.
Benjamin: We totally are
me: yeah...
I want a guy with good hygiene, who is not feminine in his behavior, at all.
I don't want him to cook, I don't want him to have potted plants at home, I don't give a fuck how he dresses as long as it's clean. And I want him to be chill and honest. But loyal...does that go against the very fiber of wanting a manly man?
Benjamin: I'm not sure.
Benjamin: Now I understand why my Dad is so tight lipped when it comes to politics
me: My Dad won't get into it either
my mom is clueless.
Benjamin: M____ just asked for some advice about how to handle a situation at work and i told her to think with the penis, not the ovaries.
me: Hahaha
I guess in her case, she has to think with the clitoris.
Benjamin: Yeah
Anyways now I get what my dad was silently saying
Either side sucks
me: right either side does suck
You either have a bunch of pansies, with no dicks.
or you have a bunch of douches with tiny dicks, trying to prove they've got big dicks.
We just need a nice, medium sized dick.
Benjamin: Yes, hahah a nice medium dick LOL.
me: Man, I was just going to draw you a picture of dicks of different sizes, but then I remembered I'm at work.
It would have been funny.
Benjamin: SO funny. I don't know what I would do if I walked by a female coworkers desk and she was drawing dicks.
Me: probably die laughing
Benjamin: I would probably drop to one knee and propose.

me: I'm trying to quit smoking.
Benjamin: I didn't make you start smoking don't cast you anger at yourself onto me.
me: If I wasn't a smoker, I wouldn't have met half of the cool people I have, and that's the fuckin' truth everyone knows the cool kids are outside smoking.
me: Well, I'm pretty determined when I make a decision. so, I think I'll be okay. I never wanted to quit before, really, but I've been smoking for long enough, it's served it's purpose and like you said, now it has none. I figure the hard thing will not be to light up while out drinking. will be not to, I always split my infinitives for some reaosn.
Benjamin: I've heard people say that. Maybe don't drink either?
me: Oh, absolutely not
that is not even, no.
I have to drink.
I have been a virtual recluse for the last year.
It is time to drink.
Maybe, if I buy a pack, I'll make Beth take it away from me at the end of the night. yeah
Benjamin: OK OK jeez

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