Thursday, April 14, 2011

Newwww Pooossssst

Tonight is the first time in a while that I've been sort of "unoccupied"; although, of course, there are things to do. Always things to do. And I'll do them. But, I haven't sat down in I don't know how long to just write something, not for money, or to build up my resume, but for me.

I remember the good old days when I was in college and working full time and this blog was the only remotely creative outlet I had. It got a lot more of my attention then, yes you did little bloggy. And now it's all work work work, books on organization and relationships and power--it's all "learn how to be a productive member of society."

I'm not sure exactly when the change took place. But, I do know I tried to delay it as long as I possibly could. I really did. Anyone who knows me well will attest to that.

I wonder...about people who have impressive jobs at age 24 or start their own businesses at 26. (For the record I had my genius business idea at 26. I just have to implement it.) I don't know if I care why anymore, but I do wonder in a disconnected sort of way, "How did that happen?" I suppose the easy answer is that for some, on purpose; and for others, on accident.

In any event here I am. And here you are. And I felt like writing something personal but didn't really feel like criticizing some aspect of society or human nature. Not in this post anyway....

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