Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Change Is Good

I was just sitting, well I am right now, on my couch wondering about two schools of thought. The first is the general idea that you are "who you are", you can't hide it, you can't fake it and so you might as well be it to the fullest. Who you are is not only great, no matter what, but it's who you were "meant" to be. Then there's the other school. The one that says you can change, you control your destiny, you can be whatever you want. Which school is right? They can't both be right. Obviously. They're mutually exclusive ideas about the meaning of life.

I think people should try on as many hats as they can. People should try to change. It's only through the failed attempt to be something different than you were last year, last month or yesterday that you find either the tenacity to be something "you're not" or the pride to be something you are.

People can change. Alcoholics can get sober, Obsessive Compulsives can stop counting how many windows are in every office building they pass, people aren't born astro physicists or concert pianists. The decision to become something is a change from a natural state of unemployment. Chew on it. Disagree in comments.

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