Tuesday, December 22, 2009

And...I'm back

The last several months had me running all over town attending fashion week, parties, and events. Conducting interviews, writing articles, working full time at Reuters, trying to keep up with an exercise regimen (swimming and some yogs) and also trying to have a remotely satisfying social life. Then I got an idea for my own website, then I got a freelance job that actually pays in money instead of in expensive dinners where I allow the owner to act like we're on a date so his ego stays in tact! In fairness to him, he never did anything inappropriate, but it still creeped me out a bit and I'll tell ya, that was doing NOTHING for my social life, espeically the part where I go on real dates.

Needless to say, I haven't visited the blog that started it all (how quickly we forget) in a minute. And I've missed it. I've also quit the high fashion journalism thing, quite unexpectedly.

One day, I just couldn't take nagging the owner any longer to fufill deadlines and do the things he said he was going to. He wanted me to be a business partner, but his was a work ethic I couldn't tolerate. We got into a row over gchat and I said that I thought we needed to reconsider working together, and like that it was over. I was relieved and kind of scared at the same time. I'd come to rely on that little business card and weekly cocktail events to feel like, I don't know, I was doing something. But I realize now that doing something you don't believe in, or necessarily like, is worse than doing nothing at all. Sounds kind of cheesy, right? Eh, it's true.

I've been a die hard clothing fan since my puberty got jump started the summber between 8th and 9th grade. I poured over every fashion magazine each month and looked at all the shows on style.com during every fashion week. My mom had dial-up, so waiting for each photo to load...that was devotion. I'd do it for hours. In fact, I discovered style.com just several years before I moved here, and thought I'd died and gone to heaven when I did.

All of a sudden, I got to see shows IN PERSON. I got to see celebrities, I got to get dressed up and go to nice places. I wasn't under a contract and I wasn't getting any pressure to produce a certain amount of content or go to any event at all. It was a no pressure situation. But In the end there was so much potential just wasted due to a lack of consistency and motivation that it drove me a little bananas.

So, here I am. : ) Back to regular old me. Back to random blog posts, starting my own site, writing freelance, probably doing hardly any exercise during the winter, and not venturing further than the closest street corner from my apartment to get my drink on with friends/roommates. But I'm happy.

1 comment:

rkruger said...

Welcome back Marisa - glad you made the right decision. I am very, very proud of you. Sorry about the old dial up days.