Whew. Here goes the real post. Ariana Huffington just wrote a piece for Huff Po discussing the lack of jobs in our economy as it relates (see, "as it relates", I don't want to do that anymore) to the fresh young 22 y/o getting her undergraduate degree this month. Most of the post is about how the state of the economy sucks. Yeah, we know. No jobs..blah blah, whatever. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Americans without an education are in a worse state than those who just finished receiving theirs, but whatevsies. The end of her post is what I thought was interesting and inspired me to write my post. Ariana mentioned that while the jobs of a decade ago may be gone, undergrads have the potential to be a lot savvier than job seekers of the past and create their own career rather than fit into someone else's.
DING DING DING. F-yes. I feel bad for those who lack the privileges necessary to create their life, because it does take some, however few. I do not feel badly for those who lack the brain power to hustle and navigate their way through a changing job market. Some of our grandparents lived through 2 wars. 2! They were so much tougher and hard core than we are today. Make your way, do YOUR thing. Don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself because someone isn't interested in letting you do theirs. (Haughty attitude--eye roll).
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