What I mean: when there's plenty to go around, the pie slices aren't limited to the best and the brightest. Lots of free riding, less than deserving (based on their capabilities) people get in on the goodness. When there are jobs to be had by all, and everyone gets to have some blueberry on his chin, the natural resource that is any particular job market gets depleted. When there are too many jobs and not enough truly qualified people...guess what happens? The market gets overgrazed.
We go through a correction (recession) and all of a sudden those free riders are up in arms because easy street just got a lot bumpier. And you have every liberal minded person taking it for granted that this is "wrong." Is it?
Do people need to take responsibility for themselves, assume that nothing is guaranteed and always be looking toward their next best thing, while enjoying what they have right meow? Or should policy and government ensure they don't have to make an effort in writing their own story? That's the question, imo.
And don't forget to ask, is society better off at full employment or is it better off when the truly qualified few increase efficiency and innovation by occupying seldom open positions? IDFK. It's just a question, don't freak out or anything.
Yeah, so you should expand on this topic and send it to every publication in the country that has an Editorial page. I read a lot of papers, and I haven't see one piece that discusses this.
I'd only let it be published if they're willing to print the picture of the futuristic toaster alongside it!
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