All right, here's one that is not about what a person is wearing, but more about something completely idiotic that they said publicly. Erin Wasson is a model wannabe (insert any other job in the fashion industry). In an interview she gave with the New York Times a while back she said that she wished women with bad ankles would stop wearing leggings. Wow, I guess this is evidence that a lack of food effects brain functioning. If she had said women with cankles shouldn't wear would have been bitchy, but at least made sense. What exactly is a bad ankle? An achilles tendon that protrudes too much, or not enough?
Here is what I would love to approach Ms. Wasson and say, "you know, women completely without tits should not wear v-necks of any fact all shirts are wasted on a flat chested woman, they should probably just not leave home at all. And your knee caps are embarassing, probably shouldn't wear shorts either."
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