Little story about Megan Fox: One night, in bed with my then paramour talking about celebrity crushes...he mentions Ms. Fox (in his defense I had just finished a monologue on the perfection of Brad Pitt's bone structure.) And he says, "She's like the hottest girl I've ever seen!"
"She has a complete White trash slut face." I reply.
"HA HA HAHA she totally does! Not for sex, but
you just want to lock yourself in a hotel room with her and an eight ball and just...well...have sex." He says.
While I loved that at first he tried to front like he didn't want to fuck her, he ended up not being able to lie about it and from that point foward I, of course, have had a little wee problem with Megan Fox. Yes, I know it's ridiculous, but jesus christ, I'm human.
I have been reading and devouring the white-trash-slut belch-like-a-guy persona that this girl has been weaving for herself in the press. And wondering because it is so trite...how much is real and how much is a big ol' fat publicity stunt to try and be Hollywood's new bad girl.
I'm sure if she saw this she would roll her eyes and say something about people being pathetic who care this much about celebrities, then proceed to profess her ordinariness while pulling a goat into a seedy hotel room and making the "shhh" gesture with her index finger. Because that's what bad girls do.
She recently had this to say to Esquire: "I have no question in my mind about being bisexual. I mean, I could see myself in a relationship with a girl. Olivia Wilde
is so sexy she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox with my bare hands."
is so sexy she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox with my bare hands."
Nothing says shocking like the little girl from the trailor park trying to sound naughty by talking about hooking up with other chicks, and then of course saying something that adds an air of androgony to her persona that truthfully, turns men on even more.
But lets face it, it doesn't matter what this girl says, she's still really hot, and I still have to get over it.
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