What Turns You On?
I mean to ask the title question of this post in exactly the way you're thinking. What turns you on? Because I believe that love and passion and excitement, even bordering on the erotic, is one of our compasses for our life's work.
Tonight I was watching The Next Iron Chef and one of the last contenders was working with a very expensive slab of beef. While he was cutting it up he said, "This is so beautiful...I'm having a sensual, romantic moment with this beef." I remember writing a gchat status a couple of years ago that said "I think I'm sexually attracted to clothing." At the time I wrote it, it didn't even make sense to me. And yet, write it I did.
So ask yourself, what turns you on? What gets your dander up -- in a good way? What makes you hot and heavy? It could be a side of beef or The Theory of Everything (TOE), hell it could be a new dress. The only caveat to this question's answer is to love responsibly. Now, go get off.
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