I basically have eleventy things to do today, so I should not be writing this right now. But, after the disappearance of common attributes shared by chewing gum and enconomic downturns, I can't risk another lost rant.
Okay, so there is this book, and now it's a series of articles on the interweb, called "eat this, not that". It's useful info. I read it. I like it. And I think anyone in this country especially could benefit from knowing how unhealthy chain restuarant-prepared food is--particularly when a place exudes a healthy(ish) persona. Panera Bread, I'm talking about you.
But today the "eat this, not that" people did an article on what is in fast food meat. They exposed certain items that you would think have just a few ingredients (like chicken nuggets, or a frosty) that in fact have about 30. BIG FUCKING DEAL, I say facetiously.
I am so tired of the the "ick" factor played up by nutritionists and dieticians. Look, if you've got half a brain you know that fast food is basically all chemical, and not healthy. Does it really matter if you're eating Grade A prime rib or cornmeal filler that tastes just like it? Are the chemicals edible? Yep. Do they taste good? Yes. Will they kill you outright? No. Will they kill you slowly, over decades, if consumed at extremely high rates? Proably. But so will cigarettes, which also have way too many ingredients. (Ironically, marijuana, which does not kill people, is illegal) What is my point here? Uh...
I don't care. I don't fucking care if my burger is half rat or contains .000000000000002% fecal matter or will evaporate in a puff of smoke if the light hits it a certain way. Its contents are a moot point considering that I already know I'm doing myself a disservice by consuming it.
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