After I went over to him, he proceeded to show me a large, and hopefully dead cockroach that presumably had crawled out over the weekend into our Monday morning area of full view; it was right in the middle of the entrance to Rob's cubicle.
Word got out quickly on our "team" and the boys called over their friends from various floors and offices to get close, look and take camera phone pictures.
Eventually my boss came by (after the hulabuloo was over) and noticed the thing. He bent down (and maybe this is why he was promoted into middle management and the rest of us have not been), used a piece of paper to scoop it up, and then threw it in the trash can reserved for recycled paper next to the nearest printer.
But not before suggesting that the roach could be Rob himself, transformed, and this is why he would not put it down the toilet.
Later on in the day, another voice excitedly called my name. Kevin Jotted into my cube saying, "Marisa! You know the roach that Gregg put into the trash?"
"Well, it's not there anymore!"
"So then...it really was Rob."
"No, seriously it isn't there!"
"I don't know Kevin, you're always screwing around, I really don't believe anything you say."
"Come look!"
"All right."
We walk over to the trash. "I'm afraid to look", I say, "What if it's there and it flies up in my face and kills me?"
"Just look."
So, I cautiously take a step closer and slowly look in. It's there and the second I see it Kevin startles me with a little shove that makes me squeal like six-year-old and jump back for dear life.
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