Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Last Wednesday Gchating at work

sam: tell me swanson
me: So, you know how my cousin is living with me right now...sharing my bedroom and my bed
sam: talk slowly
me: why does every guy think that's hot somehow? we're cousins!
sam: talk even slower now
me: LOL you sicko
sam: I am sending this chat record to friends
me: you would get along very well with my best guy friend who lives in san fran
sam: names will be changed to protect the innnocent
me: this story is going to disappoint you although I will throw you a bone
sam: ok go ahead
me: sometimes at night in her sleep
sam: yes..yes....
me: she cuddles up close to me...and then I push her away and tell her to move over
sam: mmmphh that's enough for at least the next week thanks
me: She did call my breasts supple the other day, I don't know why
sam: unzipping pants

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