Has anyone heard of the new-ish film coming out called, "Towel Head?"
Apparently it's about a young woman who is a member of an ethnic minority living with her father in TX, dealing with racial prejudice from the locals -- oh, and there's more.
This young girl also happens to be struggling with her sexuality due to the fact that her parents take a laissez-faire approach to dealing with the birds and the bees.
This morning I caught a quote from Mario Bello, who plays the girl's mother in the film, regarding its content: "Do I think there is anything wrong with a young woman fantasizing about an older man, or an older man fantasizing about a girl? No. Do I think there is something wrong with acting on it, yeah, I do."
Statutory rape is set at one age, while southern states have legal marrying ages much younger. A female teacher gets thrown in prison for having relations with her young male student, but keeps the love alive and when she gets out marries him and lives happily ever after. I just wanted to throw it out there, where are the lines drawn with sexuality in the realm of consent?
I think it's clear that due to America's puritanical roots it (sexuality) has been grossly over-simplified. Not only in gender, and age, but in every other aspect as well. I am by no means condoning sexual abuse, by the way.
I heard once about an article I never read that had to do with the negative results of the sexual revolution of the '70s. We're obsessed as a result, we think it (sex) too important. And there is another question. Why do we care so damn much whether a thought is right or wrong, good or bad? Of course because we think our thoughts naturally lead to compulsive behavior, bad thoughts = bad deeds. But where does THAT assumption come from?
In yet another article, which I started, but never finished, the author brings up a great point. There is an incredibly fine line b/n our sexual adulation of teenagers, our widely accepted sexual ideal (Lindsay Lohan circa mean girls, the Olsen Twins, Britney from '99) and what we consider the most demonistic of thoughts to stem from; Pedohpilia.